Cake Cutting Guideline
Whether you are hosting a standard or wedding party, the goal is to cut clean, attractive and uniform cake slices:
Wedding Slices
- Have the right size cake based on the number of guests: when in doubt go w/ extra cake.
- Use a hot knife: dip it in hot water, dry it w/ paper towel, then cut the cake (repeat for every cutting)
Party Slices
Round cakes 8” and smaller
Cut the cake into wedges, without a center circle. For example, cut the cake in half, then quarters, then eighths, then sixteenths. Stop cutting when you reach the desired size slice.
Round cakes 9” and larger
To cut cakes 9” or larger, place the knife approximately two inches from the cake's outer edge and cut a circle using the cake’s outer edge as a guideline – effectively carving an outer cake ring (see picture below). Then slice the outer cake ring (approximately 1.5” thick depending on personal preference). When you finish cutting/serving the outer cake ring, repeat until you are left w/ a 8” or smaller round cake in the center then cut it in wedges as described above.
Square and Sheet Cakes
To cut square and sheet cakes, place the knife approximately two inches from the cake's outer edge and cut a strip of cake using the cake’s outer edge as a guideline. Then slice the outer cake strip (approximately 1.5” thick depending on personal preference). When you finish cutting/serving the outer cake strip, repeat until the entire cake is cut/served.
Wedding Slices
Use the instructions above for cutting round and square cakes, but reduce slice size to 1” or as per your personal preference.